
Flat Top Pro front camera setup

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I have a Bonehead Flat Top helmet, and have been jumping that for a couple of weeks now.
I want to get the still camera on it as well, but I am wondering how do you make sure it lines up with your videocamera? As you can't look through the viewfinder when it is sitting on the front L bracket.

Any advice?


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Two options:

1. Find a way to somewhat securely fasten a lazer pointer to the still camera so the dot is in the center of the viewfinder. Mount both your still and video to the helmet and look through the video viewfinder. Make sure the little red dot is in the center of the video viewfinder, and lock it down.

2. With the video camera on the helmet and recording, take a few pictures with the still camera mounted where you think is right. Get the roll developed (unless it's digital) and then compare the framing to the video image when you took the picture (you'll hear it on the video). Make any adjustments, and try again.

Remember the whole paralax thingy....you will want the two cameras to match up at whatever distance you will most commonly be shooting.


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Thanks a lot for the advice.

I am getting the quick release plate for the still camera in next week and I'll get a laser pointer for this purpose. I have a Rebel 2000 as the still camera.
I know some people in Davis are jumping Flat Tops and I am going there for the American Boogie, I'll try to get some help from one of the guys up there as well I hope.

Thanks again for the advice.


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Here's a good tip for sighting the stills camera.
Get your hands on a small piece of mirror approx 2"x1".
Glue this onto your lense cap using hot melt glue or double sided tape.
Mount your camera on you helmet.
I must say this works best with a ring sight set up for you video.
Now head to the restroom with your helmet on.
Look in the mirror and using your sight or laser pointer etc. aim it at your own face.
If you can see your face in the small mirror on the lense cap you know that your still camera is pointing in the same direction as your video.

Some people might ask why your heading to the restroom with your helmet on prior a jump. Just tell them your trying to get the right shot!!

Good Luck


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