
Finished my FFX

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Finally got around to finishing my ffx
made the ring sight mount out of machined stainless
(helps being an engineer in a food factory)
also machined the cutaway pin from a solid bar
flush mounted the cam eye just above the audible pockets.
and just got an e mail from Toraji at flyers-pit.com
my 0.3 lens is on its way
now if only the weather improves just checked the DZ
20mph winds and gusts to 35mph
British weather sucks big time

Fear is that little darkroom where negatives are developed.
Michael Pritchard.



side view.JPG

sight mount.JPG

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I like the helmet great job.My only concern is the ringsite.It seems to me it has a verry great snagoppertunaty.Other than that great job.
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Good point about the cutaway ring.
although its a soft rubber O ring and if i rotate the sping clip it sits flush with the strap.
Only on the mark one version at the moment :)I have still the excess post to remove from the ring sight mount now that its set up
that should remove another snag point.
Now if only the weather behaves :)

Fear is that little darkroom where negatives are developed.
Michael Pritchard.

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1. Nice helmet.

2. Ugly Ugly Chair.

3. That is the best place I can think of to put the ring sight. "as far from risers as possible" You should be ok, just keep your head on the horizon during opening and you should be fine. If not, that is what the cutaway is for, right?

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