
Stowing Excess Brakeline on Sun Path (Javelin) No Velcro Toggles

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Wanna see the results of not following the recommended method? I used a method that is unlike anything here... but it had the results of half hitching around the riser.

I landed the canopy like this, even stood it up in the middle of a bean field, but would not like to have to do that too often if I could help it.

Listen to the manufactor. :$
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I've had that happen before as well, PhreeZone! My excess brake line came unstowed from the velcro wrap and when I released the brake the line wrapped around my index finger!

Luckily I was not jumping a high performance canopy and was able to sit in the harness to keep the canopy flying level while I unhooked my finger with my free hand.

Yeah, it hurt, and I'm that much more careful when unstowing brake lines now.


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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I've got a buddyt with a jav and a Saber2 @1.4:1 - he stowes his xs by simply taking the end of the xs loop and passing it over the top stiff bit on the toggle before he inserts the stiff bit into the stow.

This gives him a kinda flapping bit of break line next to the toggle that im always wary about.

He had a break not fire once when he was in perris. We have it on vid but still cant see what caused the prob. He was passing through his hard deck and about to chop when he managed to unstow it.


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Unstowed excess brakeline possess a significant entanglement hazard for camera flyers.

Here is the latest recommendations from Sun Path on how to deal with excess brakeline on their No Velcro toggles.

Sun Path is in the process of updating their manuals to include this information.

Quade without assuming anything, would it be ok to stow these

I'd like to thank James G Haggas (aggie) of Sun Path for sending this information to us pre-publication.

Quade do you think its ok for us non Sun Path owners to stow excess as per that elastic stow toggle method? My risers/brakes are identical to that set up so i figure yeah, but wanted to check.


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Sorry for any delay in this, I've been on the road getting back from Nationals, et al and I'm a little behind.

If I were you, I'd contact my gear manufacturer so see if they agree with the Sun Path solution to the issue or if maybe they have their own unique method for stowing excess brake line.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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