
test pilot wanted

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"One wonders how the recording mechanism would stand up to freefall and opening shock."

Exactly. so who wants to be the first kid on their block to try it out?
I'm thinking they probably won't be able to take the beating but there's only one real way to find out. Sure would be a lot easier to edit from, though the media is a little bit steep (about $1/min vs $0.1 for DV tape)
illegible usually

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"Sure would be a lot easier to edit from, though the media is a little bit steep"
No firewire, no Lanc (no cameye), edit output control is via USB2.
None of my editing gear will work very well with this.

Sony actually had a DVD cam out a couple of year's ago if my alzheimer's addled brain serves me well. It had on board editing functions, and it looked like it could be useful for say tandem flick fliers, I don't know what happened to it.

I'll stick with minidv just now, thanks.

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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