
Talon FS

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G'day all

I am looking at purchasing a brand new container after cutting my teeth on a second hand Racer for the past year.

The options I have are a Wings or the new Talon FS. As far as cost goes they are both exactly the same, with a similar number of options included. Now I have read a number of reviews on Wings, but not too much on the Talon FS which was designed with Freestyle in mind.

Any first hand info would be appriciated

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G'day all
the Talon FS which was designed with Freestyle in mind.

The Talon FS (Formation Skydiving)
Was designed by Sandy Reid because bellyflyers
didn't want to jump the Voodoo which was seen as
a Freefly rig.
The harness is the same as the Voodoo
The container has a boxier design.
Pin protection is the same as Voodoo
I believe the newer ones have the cut in rear attachments
DanBC jumps one ....thats enough recommendation for me :)

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The new Talon FS 3.0 is a sweet looking container; I haven't jumped one yet but one of my coworkers loves his. They offer the "competition backstrap" (basically the same as the "cut in backpad" on an Odyssey) at no extra charge. Delivery time is around 8 weeks.

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they still haven't figured out the riser protection though in my opinion. which is too bad, otherwise it'd be a solid rig, many other things are well improved. You can just look at it and still see the sides of the risers.needs deeper riser channels. I'm sure the mini risers are hidden, but the fat risers seem to peek out. also, not a fan of fatter style as mentioned before.

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Talons are produced here in Australia by Parachute Australia and for this reason very popular. I have seen but not jumped an FS. The feedback I've got from the very experienced jumpers at my DZ is that it is a very, very good rig and very comfortable. I tried to order one but was told that the maximum main size recommended for the rig is 150 ft2. I jump a 190 and changed the order to a Talon 3. There is a difference here between FS and 3 (not sure if that is the case in the States). Check out PA's web site for more information on the FS (better info then Rigging Innovations web site):
In any case I think you have a choice between 2 very good products. :)

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I wasn't terribly impressed with the Talon FS, it seemed to be just OK. IMO, they should have stuck with the Talon2 design. I didn't like the riser protection, and the rig seems very overbuilt and heavy.

To be honest, I've only seen about three of them, so maybe the others out there are better.

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I would recommend you e-mail PA (go to their web site for contact info). I did put the order in for the T6 size using the Talon 3 measurements and my dealer came back and told me that PA informed him I could not get that size for the FS - I had to go for the Talon 3 instead. My container size is for Safire 189 and can also be used for 170. Best you get in touch with PA - my dealer did not know about the restriction, so the guys in Auckland might not know either, best you e-mail PA.
Let me know what they tell you (you can PM me if you want). Also interested if you are getting a new NZ Icarus canopy with the gear and what your delivery time is. My rig is ready but I am still waiting for the Safire2 from NZ (5 weeks since order so far). PM me if you please.
When people look like ants - pull. When ants look like people - pray.

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It is a "2" so it really 189 and I am not sure what you guys in the US call FS 3 and the FS in OZ vs. the Talon 3 is the same.... Anyway, I was told by PA who manufacture the Talon down here that for their FS 150 was the max size canopy. But not really a problem the Talon 3 is a nice rig too.
When people look like ants - pull. When ants look like people - pray.

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I've got a talon fs on order sized for a 180 sqft safire 2. They diddn't say anything to me about size restrictions. Their service is great, and you get everything for a set price ($2600 AUS) no little extras apart from the RSL ($70 AUS). Great for you guys in the states, you save heaps because of ex rates ($2089 USD).
The reserve handles are really well protected also.
Check out the site:- http://www.parachutesaustralia.com/s2/prod_talonfs.php

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