
which wide angle lens?

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I am finally getting my pc-101 ready for takeoff, but have a question. Are there any brands of wide angle lens that are superior to the rest, or will any of them do?
I was looking at a .45, but I've seen footage on some peoples cameras before that looked like the footage was recorded through a tube. I don't want that.

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I have a "Red eye" .301 lens from waycool.com.au. It is less of a fisheye lens than my .45 Digital, very nice optics... They have a "Blue eye" available too which is a .45 with the same low profile. If anything happened to my current .45, the check would be in the mail to waycool. With the currency conversion now they are about 137.00 a piece plus shipping.

death,as men call him, ends what they call men
-but beauty is more now than dying’s when

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Yep The diamond .3x lens from Max Cohn is great. No black corners and it can zoom from .3 to about .6 so it "so far" seems like the lens that does it all. My first jumps with it were this weekend and the video came out great. I strongly suggest checking out the lens on http://www.royal-lens.com It is worth the price.

John Maggio

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