
How to configure a Hawkeye w/ Canon Rebel on top and Pc9 on side.

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I have been flying camera with my PC9 top mounted on a Hawkeye. I am now wanting to add a still camera (canon rebel) to my setup. I have two questions. 1: I have experimented with side mounting my PC9 before and did not like it. I primarily am using my camera to film tandems, and it feels like I really have to crank my head back to keep the tandem pair in frame w/ the camera side mounted. DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY ADVICE ABOUT SLIGHTLY TILTING THE SIDE MOUNTED CAMERA UP?
2: If I am sighting my cameras w/both video and stills, how much difference will there be between the framing of the video vs. stills in the configuration I am thinking of?

Any help would be appreciated.

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That's a link to my hawkeye setup. You might choose to put a wedge under the camera, I had a machinist friend make me one, and that keeps both cameras at the same angle. Do the video camera first, then adjust the windage and elevation of the film camera. I've found it's easier to adjust the stroboframe QR's than to try and shim the Dbox.


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