
exporting from pc to DV with premiere. Help.

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Everything works fine untill I go to export my footage back through firewire to DV on my pc101.
I've the Vaio pcg-fx990 with 1G and about 256 ram.
When I watch the end result from the pc101 the picture skips, you can notice it more when the camera has panned from left to right or when a object is moving left to right .
Do yo think my pc is'nt up to the job.
I have tried everything.

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Shut down all the windows you aren't using in Premiere when you transfer. There's a setting in there to not transfer any sound or video on your PC while you are transferring the video to your camera.

There's also a nice freeware called "enditall" which shuts down pretty much everything unnecessary that's running on your PC. Find it with Google. When I don't use it I get the kind of problem you describe, but using it, everything's cool.

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After you render your project safe it then shut down the computer
This clears the ram and will free up the computer.
Also make sure you have no virus software or screen saver running
When you restart the computer and open your project it should then export ok

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Are you renedering to the screen at the same time its exporting? That can slow the PC down a lot too. Disable the extra playback options if you don't need them. Also turn off your Anti-Virus software when you do it.

I'm rendering on a desktop very similar to your box and have no issues.
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I press export to tape and the pc screen goes blank while the DV screen shows whats being recorded, and you can just see very small skips or what ever there called, I have read on this forum that XP and premiere don't get on, it's a real pain as it's almost there.
When I play what I've recorded in slow motion the picture seems to rewind a frame in places, and when on normal play .
Buy the way I have'nt down loaded the CD driver that came with the PC101 on my pc I'm going to borrow one, could this help I wonder.
Thanks Eddie.
ps I have also tried enditall.

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