
video lens

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Hee! Hee!
Huge question.
I bought my last lens from Max Cohn: www.generationfreefly.com
It is a low-profile, wide-angle 0.3 lens specifically for hand-mounted video cameras. It cost US$175. Max also sells lenses in the 0.4 to 0.5 range.
Oh and be sure to check the size of the adapter ring on the front of your camera (i.e. 37 mm) before purchasing any lens.

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also be aware of the size you buy....i have a Diamond .3 and with that wide of a lens you have to be right on what your filming or it will look far away. When FFing i have to be at the most no more the 3 ft away....with tandems i am an arms length away..no more. Just to give you an idea of how wide it is.
"Professor of Pimpology"~~~Bolas

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got a low profile 0.5 from Royal Lens 6 monthe ago:
same size as the 0.3, the field width is pretty much the same as a sony 0.6: perfect anything you can shoot from 10-15ft away. (RW, TDM, FF formaion from the outside)
it's way too narrow for 2 or 3 way FF jumps: when you dock you get only head, part of the arms and half of the chest. (i'm gona get a 0.3 at some point)
probabely too narow as well for AFF JM but i'm never gona do that ;-)
quality is perfect as long as you do manual focusing right :-)

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