
Sigma 15mm on Canon 35mmSLR??

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The D10 is an EOS camera, so, yeah, every lens that works with a D10 works with other EOS camera's. Sometimes you can have compatibility probs with 3rth party lenses tho, mainly older Sigma lenses with newer EOS bodies. And the lens that comes with the 300D is anuther story.

Gelatin filters can be used for the same things as regular (screw-on) filters, but these foil stuff lenses are customisable and some lenses have a special slot for them. For skydiving, I doubt any colored filter is of any use, and generally speaking you don't need 'em much either, for color-photography at least... Look here: http://www.geocities.com/cokinfiltersystem/theguide.htm for what a bunch of different filters do.

ciel bleu,

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Also what are gelatin filters for??????

Just to clarify... many of the wide angle lenses (my sigma 14mm for instance) are not flat in front and can't accomodate a standard threaded filter. A small slot is provided at the back of the lens (camera side) to put a gelatin filter in between the lens and the camera

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The D10 is an EOS camera, so, yeah, every lens that works with a D10 works with other EOS camera's. Sometimes you can have compatibility probs with 3rth party lenses tho, mainly older Sigma lenses with newer EOS bodies. And the lens that comes with the 300D is anuther story.

I have that lens and it works great both on my Rebel 2000 as well as on the Digital Rebel (300D).
Just make sure you buy a new one (or pretty recent one) and they will work great.
As dragon2 said, the problems are with the older Sigma lenses, not with the new ones.


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