
Good Stuff DVD in London??

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just wondering if someone who lives in or near to London and has the Good Stuff DVD might do me a favor.

i got a last minute call from a production company in London asking to view my dvd, but i'm away from the office and can't quickly send one. so i'm hoping to find someone who can send their dvd over for me. for what it's worth, i'd be happy to replace it with two dvds ("good stuff", and my demo reel).

here is there contact info - in case i'm getting lucky here:

Richard Stansfield
or Kathrine Bancroft
Creative Touch Films Ltd
Unit 4, Calico House, Plantation Wharf, London, SW11 3TN
Tel: +44 207 801 0707

i'm away from the office but will try to check emails in the next couple days. thanks!!
joe jennings

Joe Jennings

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PM'd and regular e-mailed you.
edit to add..Squared away, guaranteed to be with them by midday xmas eve.

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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