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Which P3 have you got? I'm running Pinnacle Studio 7 and Adobe Premiere 6 on an Athlon 900 and Windows 2000 with no problems. I did add some ram to get it up to 512 but ram's pretty cheap......


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It's not quite as user friendly as Windows Movie Maker or iMovie, but you can get a good feel for it in one or two sittings.

It's cheap, has enough power to keep most people happy, runs on lots of hardware combos, still has just enough effects to make your stuff look crappy (if you try to use lots of effects), and it's cheap.

- Cajones

The laws of physics are strictly enforced.

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When I started out I was using a PIII-733Mhz with 256MB memory. had no problems running Adobe Premiere 6 on it - it handled it pretty well. another thing that you need to put into consideration - since this is a laptop that you have - is the harddrive speed - anything below 7200 might affect capturing from Firewire, or Playing back over Firewire.

download the trial version of Premiere from Adobe and give it a run, see how your machine handles it
Be Simple, Be Creative, Bee!

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