
Safire 189

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Anyone with knowledge of landing characteristics of 189 Safire at 1.1 loading or so...appreciate it....I'm not into running em out unless I screw em up...I like to tiptoe em in...

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Thanx for the input...coming off a level 5 sprain not related to skydiving, and dont want to run at all...gonna try a few jumps tomorrow weather permitting at SDOregon...

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learn up there to fly the canopy at it's slowest speed, how deep in breaks it can fly might surprise you. Is it a Safire 1 or 2 ? the size issue applies only to the safire 1. I could not advise anything about the safire2: never flown it

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Anyone with knowledge of landing characteristics of 189 Safire at 1.1 loading or so...appreciate it....I'm not into running em out unless I screw em up...I like to tiptoe em in...

One trick that helped when I was learning to land my Safire 189 was to wrap the brakelines around my fingers once so that when I flared I was sure of flaring all the way. Not needed but some people think it helps - especially if you have short arms.

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What have you been flying?

It's important on a Safire to fly the whole landing; you can't just stuff the toggles and wait for it to stop. I found it to be less tolerant of a poorly timed or executed flare than some other canopies are.

Great fun to fly though! :)

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Get used to flaring all the way to get every bit of lift out of it. Not just on the safire but on all canopies I see people tuch down long before the canopy wants to give up. The flare on the safire is pretty deep in the control range but thats what I love about it.

--"This ain't no book club, we're all gonna die!"
Mike Rome

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I own a saifire 189 im loading it to 1.42 yeah 1.42 on a 189 im 6 5 tall and 240 butt naked. My first canopy was a just out never seen saifire 229 loved em still love em. My 189 at the moment is a saifire 1 relined to the same spec as a saifire 2 i.e shorter recovery arc nice long carving swoops. I stand fast having done some 600 jumps on saifires now no great number admitted but love the canopy to bits. I have put it down in a tight arena on demo jumps at night and swooped the pond at a dz both very comfortably. Learn your canopy before you get radical with it.

But beware just beacause its semi eliptical dosent make you a master flyer. Its not the equipment but the pilot. Had my first and only smash up on a saifire hook too late ouch crunch ohhhh!! my back. Find a good mentor and start from the basics. This is a nice canopy to start on and shopuld do you proud. It has meB|

Grant a.k.a "The Wookster"
Euphoria freefly

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Who did the re-line for you? I wasn't aware it was possible, until I read this, to re-line a Safire 1 to Safire 2 specs.

Hooknswoop has a performance option that changes the steering lines to basically the safire2, same recover arch as the 1 just more flare and softer openings. You can also send your safire back to Icarus and they will replace your entire lineset to the 2s specs which means shorter recover arch, more flare, softer openings, and a few minor differences in flight characteristics.
Fly it like you stole it!

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