
Flattop Narrow Setup

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I’m looking for some ideas how to mount a Canon 10D on the front L bracket of my BH Flattop Narrow. I’m looking around in this forum for a while and I have seen that this combination is quite common. Unfortunately, I neither found any close up pictures of setup’s nor detail descriptions how the mounting is made. There’s no need to remove the camera very quick after the jump – so I want to start without a Quickrelease.

Is the setup sure enough (don't like the idea to lose my new toy) when I use the screw on the bottom of the camera and ad one bungie to secure the camera? Should I drill the holes for the bungie in the L bracket or is it better to mount the bungee straight to the helmet?

I’m very thankful for your opinion or close up pictures of similar setups.


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I dont jump a Flattop Narrow but I do have a similar "L" bracket on my rig.

I use the screw thru the bottom of the bracket and a bungie over the top of the camera as you suggest without any problems.

The bungie ends are secures by drilling holes in the "L" bracket corners, passing the ends thru the bracket and knotted on the bottom. The loop is then stretched up and over the camera to cutouts on the top bracket corners to secure the camera to the bracket. Works fine.


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I'm in the process of setting up my flat top pro.

I'm putting the still camera on top and mounting the PC120 out front. With the Sigma 14 on, the 10D is much heavier than the video so I'm reversing things to make it easier on my neck. When it's done, I'll post pictures.

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here's mine.

5 holes drilled in L-bracket. One obviously for the thumb screw.

4 for bungies, on either side of the camera, one on top and one on bottom.

works well. I'm getting a stroboframe soon just to be sure I don't slightly twist anything


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With the Sigma 14 on, the 10D is much heavier than the video so I'm reversing things to make it easier on my neck.

Good smarts there, Deuce. It's amazing how many neck injuries I see in a day at work (non-skydiving related). It's nice to know someone here can think ahead and protect such a valuable structure.


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The first thing I did was get rid of that L bracket. In my opinion it was a snag hazzard, my site would breakaway but that L bracket won't. Just my thoughts.

I made a flat plate for the top of the helmet (aluminum, I made mine out of 1/4" clear Lexan so you can see through the the plate. the lexan was the same weight as a thin gage piece of aluminum). Six bolts hold it to the top. Video on top, stills cam upside down on the front. Just have the plate extend past the helmet far enough to bolt the still cam on (Mine only sticks out 1.5"). I will try to get some pics on here. Don't have digital stills yet. Still shooting film :(

It all works well.

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Just another hole drilled to the side of the L-bracket.

The sight is not super secure right now. I check it every morning before i start jumping and periodically especially if I think something might have hit it.

My only method for doing that right now is having someone look into the video camera and help me center it. I've also shot a few photos off and compared them to what I thought I was looking at...


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