
Sony PC Lens Size & Field of Vision Width

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Okay, I don't quite understand something regarding lens sizes and their width of vision.

I have been reading that the PC 101 and 105 have a slightly narrower field of vision than their predecessors.

As quoted by a lens manufacturer:
"...the newer model Sony PC cameras which are reported to have a more narrow field of view off the shelf than their predecessors."

In another thread, 'Bryce' posted that the PC 330 is even smaller, and that a PC5 will have a wider field of vision than the PC 101, 105 and then the 330.
"The New 330 is even worse for a tighter lens. 5.1mm at widest vs. 3.7 on the 105. The PC 5 has a 3.1mm lens. So throw a 0.6 onto the pc330 right now and it's just like having No lens on a PC 5. "

I realise that wide-angle lenses are available, but forget them for the moment; I am interested in the cameras themselves. What factors affect this problem? Is the field of view width inversely proportional to that of the lens size??

I believe the PC 120 has a 37mm thread compared to the 30 mm of the PC105/103/101. Does that have any effect for accomadating different lens sizes?

Basically I want to know what the deal is (explanation of situation), does this really affect the end product / use (yes flying skills help...) and where the information is stated on the cameras. Any help would be appreciated.

In another thread, 'Bryce' posted that the PC 330 is even smaller , and that a PC5 will have a wider field of vision than the PC 101, 105 and then the 330.
"The New 330 is even worse for a tighter lens. 5.1mm at widest vs 3.7 on the 105. the PC 5 has a 3.1mm lens. So throw a 0.6 onto the pc330 right now and it's just like having No lens on a PC 5. "

I realise that wide angle lenses are available, but forget them for the moment, I am interested in the cameras themselves. What factors affect this problem. Is the field of view width inversely proportional to that of the lens size??

I believe the PC 120 has a 37mm thread compared to the 30 mm of the PC105/103/101. Does that have any effect?

Bascially i want to know what the deal is, does this really effect the end product and use (yes flying skills help...) and where the information is stated on the cameras. Any help would be appreciated.

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I have done some more investigating would this be along the right lines? Anyone know where this stuff is printed on the camera? By the lens or what?

Lens Size
Lens size determines wide angle and telephoto flexibility of the lens. Low focal length provides a wider field while high focal length a longer, narrower, telescopic field of view

Can anyone confirm I am along the right lines, or are you keeping this information to yourselves as there have been so many posts about PC 105's?;)

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The other factor other than focal length is (I believe) the size and type of the Imaging CCD. That is the reason that essentially the same camera PC9 v 101 will prudce a different effect with the same wide angle lense
"Don't blame malice for what stupidity can explain."

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Sony prints the 35mm equivalent in the owners manual and on their website.

PC105 is 50-500mm in camera mode - 42-420mm in memory (anti-shake is off).

PC100, 110 is 48-480mm in camera mode. - probably others are the same I just had the service manuals for these handy.

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