
Atair Quad Cell Design

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Saw the ad in Parachutist this month, does anyone know anything about it? Anyone flown it? How did they keep the pack volume down (they clain it's 30% less than standard cross brased canopies) ?

When confirmed rumors that the Cobolt was the great grandson of the Viper flew, it seemed that Atair disappeared for awhile, now they are back. Which die hard fans will be first to fly there new product?

Thanks for any input from people who have experience with or under this new wing (I like to stay informed),

Jeremy Neas

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When confirmed rumors that the Cobolt was the great grandson of the Viper flew, it seemed that Atair disappeared for awhile, now they are back

What do you mean by it? Atair has been back! Before they would market canopies under different labels like Winchester technology and others now it's all Atair.

At any rate, the Viper, IMHO, is one of the best flying canopies ever designed.
Memento Audere Semper


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Saw one this weekend. The pilot said he thought it would be a while before it was released, but I guess not..
For 2600$, it better be damn good. The reason for the low pack volume is that it has half as many non-load bearing ribs, and no D-line braces. It'll be interesting to hear what people think of this thing, once they get demos out.


Like a giddy school girl.

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What do you mean by it? Atair has been back! Before they would market canopies under different labels like Winchester technology and others now it's all Atair.

At any rate, the Viper, IMHO, is one of the best flying canopies ever designed.


I apologize, I assumed that anyone responding would have had first dibs on the canopy and would have already known the history of the company (i.e. test pilots, loyal canopy buyers).

I was refering to the ads in Parachutist. Strong before, weak, now strong again. Being back with a new product.

The Viper is a good canopy, I don't think it was mentioned otherwise, but I was hoping for input on the Onyx, not the Viper.

Jeremy Neas

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to explain: we dropped advertising for a year as we had developed enough momentum to do so and we felt it was our best business strategy to divert that advertising money into our military division towards completion of our satellite guided parachute systems.

now the reverse will be able to happen, military division putting money back into sports.


atair aerodynamics
Daniel Preston <><>
atairaerodynamics.com (sport)
atairaerospace.com (military)

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