
nine foot bridle

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I don't want to sound like I'm bragging or anything, but the bridle on my new rig is a whopping nine feet, 2 inches. I've never seen a bridle quite that long. The bridle on my other rig is about 6 feet. Anyone else think nine feet is unusually long?

Main is a Lotus 150, container is a Voodoo.

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generally the nine foot bridle is used for bird man suits I believe...

I would really like to hear of the advantages of the longer bridle..

Common sense tells me that there is logic to having a longer bridle..

Correctomundo! The 9' bridle is recommended for bird-man jumps. It helps get the PC out of the larger burble created by the wings of the suit.

Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™

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Are you guys measuring from the pin to the end of the bridle? (except for mikeat10500 with a 4 foot 9 inch bridle I know he is)

Just curious

I have a pull out and mines almost 5 and 1/2 feet starting from the bag.
My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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Once I packed half the bridle in the D-bag "unaware...it seems my bag stop is more of a bag slow down" and
when I pulled it felt like I was swinging a cinder block on the end of the now 2 foot long bridle. I use a strong pull cause I keep that pin in there tighter than a nuns wazoo. I looked to see what was going on and found I had pulled the bag off my back and to the right side into the wind. My super loose line
stow method produced some extreme spaghetti.
So I released the handle and waited for the bag lock.
My main opened with 1.5 line twists which I quickly cleaned up and went on my marry way.
Sometimes it helps to have a horseshoe where it counts.

Mike Wheadon B-3715,HEMP#1
Higher Expectations for Modern Parachutists.

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Is the picture under your profile a naked crew jump ? I didn't think i saw any kind of 4'9" bridle when i took that picture !

No sorry in that pic we are full dressed, the naked CReW shots wouldn't fit!!!
Mike Wheadon B-3715,HEMP#1
Higher Expectations for Modern Parachutists.

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hey how do you like the lotus? say compared to some of the other canopys you have jumped?

I chose this rig (used) specifically for the Lotus canopy, if that answers your question. It is a very nice canopy. Similar to Saber 2, and has airlocks. I believe in the theory of airlocks, but will reserve my judgement until I have a few hundred jumps and can experience it. Other than that, it opens wonderfully, handles nicely and lands like a dream. I also demod the Lotus 190. But I haven't flown a lot of other canopies - just Triathalon, Spectre, Saber, Navigator, Silouette, old PDs, a few others, so it's not fair for me to compare it to other nine-cells.

Also - I don't do birdman, and I'm pretty sure that the previous owner did not. I am measuring from the base of the PC to the end of the black part of the bridle. If I also add in the length to the pin, it is more like 9'6", but I don't have the exact measurement.

Can anyone think of any problems with having such a long bridle? Increased chance of main/reserve entanglement in a PC-in-tow scenario? More difficult to clear a horseshoe mal? Higher likelihood of dragging it through cow poop on the way back to the hanger?

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I think you will find 8'-10' the norm and no problems
related to bridle length unless doing CReW. I had a
PC entanglement once and read that the shortest
safe bridle length is 4'9". So I had some" about half" chopped off. This may be an unwise idea with
a toss out system.
Mike Wheadon B-3715,HEMP#1
Higher Expectations for Modern Parachutists.

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Hey Bags
Cool...thats my PD-210. I was checking out your
profile and see your a S/L instructor. I thought about
it ,and broke out laughing...too many people that
should be "riding the Reading", get on the wrong
train, and end up on the "Short line".
Mike Wheadon B-3715,HEMP#1
Higher Expectations for Modern Parachutists.

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