
mounting screw for 105

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Almost all photographic equipment is mounted on a 1/4" 20 threaded bolt. Any hardware store should have a -wide- selection of lengths and materials, but stainless steel would be my preference.

You -must- be careful that you do not screw into the body too far (uh, yes, I'm still talking about photography). Use washers and spacers accordingly. Do not -over- tighten as replacing the mounting hardware on the bottom of your camera can be costly. Certainly more costly than being careful. ;)
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Wow. $20 shipping for 1 screw. Wont be buying it there.

Yeah $20 may seem steep but it works out at $13USD for express postage approx 5-7 days delivery and $6 USD for the screw. My may want to look at a group by with your dropzone camera buddies as this would ultimately reduce you shipping costs.
If you look at our screw closely there is a slot machined into the screw so it can be retained on a camera platform. You will never lose the screw as it stays with the platform.

Having said this any 1/4 inch screw will do the job, it's whatever your happy with.
If you do get your screw from the hardware and cut it to length, remember to hit it with a file to clean up the thread as the tripod mount in the bottom of the video camera is made of chrome plated brass and will chew out easily if you screws thread isn't perfect.

I like stainless screws as they are tuff, look cool wont rust etc but if there is any faults in the thread it will absolutely destroy the tripod mount made of brass.

When I first jump camera in the early 90's I mounted up my own Sanyo video 8 and had a brass screw into the tripod mount. My screw was too long and over time went throgh the plastic base in the bottom of the tripod mount. I didn;t notice this until one day it stopped. The result was I had scored through 3 layers of the PCB. I was a $300 for a $1000 camera, the poor guy who repaired it said it took him a whole week to do the repair and I had gotten out of it cheap.

I hope I've been of some help

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