
How do I enhance stills from video?

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I have had a quick search and couldn't find anything, apologies if there is a post that i didn;t see.

OK - so i know i can take stills using the Sony PC9 and i can take stills from tape on to memory stick, and i can get them to the PC using USB.

Someone at a DZ somewhere mentioned that you can enhance the (pretty poor) quality of the stills that go on to memory stick.

Anyone care to enlighten me?

Connextion: British 8 Way Team

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Hi, I'm not sure what you mean by 'enhance' but if you search this forum for "frame grab", and "deinterlace", I'm sure you will find what you are looking for.
You'll need a reasonably good photo manipulation package such as Photoshop, and some basic knowledge of its use.

Good luck, post back if you get stuck.

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