
Newb Question

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Newbie question....

Seeking advice from experienced skydive videographers....How much jump experience would you recommend a skydiver have under his/her belt before they start to make the transition into jumping with a camera and doing beginner skydiving video's?

Thanks in advance.

Kentucky Skydiving Center

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I would do a search in this forum on the topic, I am sure you will find a ton. General concensus is around 200 jumps. That usually means that flying should be close to second nature when you add all of the distractions. You should be able to comfortable fly easy and well in any situaltion that you intend to video. Also ensure to go and get some local mentoring. buying beer for camera guys and pumping em for info is usually a good way. Have a camera flyer look at your camera helmet and point out odditioes or potential problems and all of the safety concerns that you should be aware of. Just a little info for you. SEARCH THIS FORUM for more.


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Do a search as this has been talked about a few hundred times, but generally 200+ jumps and I recommend a lot of currency and air awareness skills. You need to be well past the point where you are thinking of how to fly your slot and it needs to come by instinct. For RW video you need to know exactly how to fly above a group and how to slide as the group is sliding, for freeflying you need to be able to take/make docks. You need to be rock solid in the air and under canopy.

I also like to recommend at least 125-150 jumps a year as the currency mark since if you are jumping that much your air awareness skills are higher and it can help in preventing you from getting into tight jams.
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