
First Video and Helmet

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Im planning ahead.....
Looking towrads getting my first video cam and helmet arrangement, and looking for recommendations on both ( Cam and helmet)
I think Ideally I'd like a side mounted helmet and a low profile cam system.
Obviously with little 'flying' experience with a cam, I'm looking for something that can live with me on my 'learning curve'
Is there any major adavnatage to having an 'enclosed' system or one that just sits there side mounted...(apart from riser slap issues)
All opinions and views greatly appreciated form an aspiring camera flyer

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have to ask yourself what kind of flying your gonna do RW, Tandem, or FF. Even after you awnser that question there are still a ton of choices. What price range etc.......right now you may not be sure about what you want to fly but thinking about it and then a little research will lead to more informed questions. I personally love my Skypimp low profile top mount with a TRV 50 and a Rebel 2000. Again do a little research first then come back with some questions.......just my .02

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I think you should get another hundred jumps or so and then start looking for a camera system. First, in the next hundred jumps or so you will figure out what filming you would prefer to do. Secondly, by then you will have a lot more flying experience and be better suited to skydiving with a camera on your head. In that time things will change especially in the camera dept.


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I shouldn't worry about the standard "go get more jumps" response. He's a UK jumper so cant jump camera till he has a minimum of 200 jumps and CCI approval.

I think it makes sense to plan ahead and learn now so you're ready when it does come time to buy.

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Thanks.....thats exactly what Im doing, just planning ahead.

I already edit my own videos...that side of things Im pretty Ok at...and it has just inspired me to want to learn to fly camera...to get the shots I think about in my head...that kinda thing.


Long journey....need to learn more...alot more ......la la la.....yeah I know.. but ya gotta start somewhere
So here I am...just making a start

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lemme see if I can help...the question your asking is like asking what kind of rig should you get on the gear forum(you'll get a lot of "right" awnsers....you need to have an idea of what you want). If you don't ask the right questions you will never get awnsers. what you should be close to knowing are things like side or top mount, 35 mm or not etc... knowing these things help narrow the choices of what platform you want to use. What about price range? What kind of Sony video camera are you gonna use TRV or PC? awnser those questions then do a search on this forum for possible awnsers go to the gear section and check out the helmet mfg's websites. check out Sonys website for features on mini dv video cameras. Then come back and ask some real questions......again just my .02

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You're in the UK--- go 2kComposites and support your economy :)
But with only 3 camera jumps, I'm about as far from being able to give great advice as I can be..

What I can say though, is it fits great, the finish is beautiful, the cameye is fitted nicely and works wonderfully. there appear to be very few snagpoints, the camera is well protected and won't get abused from riser slap.

Their cutaway system appears solid (I haven't had to use it yet, and hope to never have to)

But again, I just started and right now, my video...well, ummm.... leaves room for improvement :P

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