
Video editors??

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hey all, I have Vegas video and would like something a bit more user friendly, this does more than I will ever need and is confusing the hell out of me..... I am looking for something fast - easy - but with lots of features and easy enough that a technologically challenged videot like myself can turn out a great product. What product would you suggest?

my computer is a Emachine, 1.3 ghz 256ram 40gb drive. so it should be able to run the latest stuff..(I hope)

They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.

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Add more ram and get ready to buy a larger hard drive....I have 180gb and it's nearly all full. You will have to be very disciplined at removing stuff as soons as you're finished working. You'll likely have to add a Firewire card as well.

This would involve the purchase of a Mac but iMovie is a great program for even the non-technologically challenged. You will find many of us on here use it. A new eMac with 512 mb of ram and 160 gb hard drive is about $1275...with a DVD burner and all the software you need.

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lol....but you know you just have to keep finished projects on ya HD...'just in case' you wanna make that final little edit......pulling it off your HD and storing on external disk just seems so final ;).....

Talking of finished projects..(shameless plug)
(Im proud of it anyways;))

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As a PC user Premire is the way to start and leave you room to improve your skills. If you can't afford it, ulead has a suite of products that might be helpful.

A dvd burner, hard drive and more ram along with you software upgrade should be your first purchase. Prices on all of them are really good right now.

PC or MAC video editing on them is really easy. I'm all PC now after years of having both PC and Mac on the same desk. As speed and performance goes I find Mac makes a big leap forward and PC is righ there with them soon after. And its the person behind the tool that matters more.

You should be fine with the upgrades you get. A good book on the software really helps out.

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Its a lot of money for software, you can try before you buy.
Here http://www.adobe.com/products/tryadobe/main.jsp

If you don't like it, I'd also try Ulead, again free tryouts here...

I like premiere, but thats because I've been playing with it for about 6 years.

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It all depends on how much editing you plan on doing as to what program to get. Honestly, if you want to be able to do some really really creative images and everything then you would need something like Photoshop. The thing is, is that there is always more than one way to do things with most programs out there. Just because the function isn't built into the program doesn't mean that you can't figure out how to do it. Even a basic editing program can be very good if you learn how to use all of its functions inside and out. Premiere is definately the way to go though if you want to have the most features and options. It takes a while to learn everything, but once you get the hang of it, it becomes pretty easy.

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Well said....
In fact you can get some Great results with Windows Movie Maker 2 (which is free).....but you'll do even better with it if you D/L some good stuff for it of some third party companies....eg Pixelan.

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I am suprised you found Vegas challenging.

I use Vegas 5 exclusively, if you download the user manual and follow the tutorials youll find that it is really a very intuitive and easy peice of software.

Admittedly it is overkill for thew basic stuff you would use it for on say a Tandem Vid, but once you get used to it the extra's are fantastic.

The way Vegas handles titles, velocity (slomo) and compositing is very simple compared to other similar packages.

The REAL TIME preview is outstanding even on a pretty low spec PC, and nothing out there comes close.

The other serious vidiots on the DZ use Macs and IMovie. I have to admit the G3 Powerbook is beautifull and IMovie is an outstanding piece of software, but I refuse to pay that sort of cash to be part of the Mac experience.

If you have Vegas, stay with it bud. You will be suprised how quick you pick it up.

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I use Vegas also, but usaully capture and burn DVD with Pinnacle,, they all just take some getting used to,,, also, I have 2- 100GB hard drives and both are almost full of video shit most the time,, A single fun DVD can easily run up to 30 GB...

Natural Born FlyerZ.com

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