
Getting used to a ring sight

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So I flew my new ringsight this weekend on a track jump for the first time. I didnt want to try it out on a paying tandem, so I decided to do a fun jump with it instead. Long story short......I freakin HATED IT. I did not like that thing in front of my face at all. I felt very out of my element and really flew like shit. Has anyone had similar experiences when starting to use ringsights? Is this something that takes a couple jumps to get used to, or should I hang this thing up and put a dot on my goggles.

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I'm no expert, but this I know ... the dot on your goggles can move (perhaps the ring sight can too if you hit it really hard, but not with the force of the wind).

I never"think" about the ring sight anymore than I "think" about flying. It has slowly become second nature to frame the shot and the ring sight is the best piece of equipment for that. IMHO.

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Here's my movie educated take on it...

How about putting your helmet on and walking around your house like that all evening (without the camera's so you don't get a sore neck)? If you do it a lot you will get used to the sight and simply see through it instead of simply seeing the sight itself. If necessary, try upping the intensity of the training by introducing more complicated tasks such as driving.

What's that movie where they're training helicopter pilots to use their eyes independently? In the movie instead of spending his flying time trying to master this very difficult trick, (and consequently failing his tests) his friends make the pilot drive around the base with periscopes strapped over his eyes until he gets used to it. He does and passes the test.

Apply the same principals here. Why waist jump money and risk your life being disoriented simply to learn how to adjust your eyes to the sight? You should be able to do much of that training on the ground. After all, you’re not having a problem with skydiving with the sight, but with actually using the sight itself.

Give it a go, at worst you look like a prat wandering round with some odd helmet thingy on your noggin, at best you solve your problem in the course of a week and get straight to practicing using your sight in the air.

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well as always jose you come up with these ridiculous questions and post them in the forum, you are a continual disappointment to me. however, i believe that there may still be hope for you. i agree you should be doing this on the ground and if you would have just stopped whining long enough this weeeknd and asked me i would have told you. oh yeah, make sure that you aren't closing one eye, just look through the sight with both open and it will help. if you can't understand these simple tips from reading call me and i will explain it as i would trying to teach a child. on second though, just call me.....LOL ;):)


PS. next saturday morning is editing suite training 101 after you buy me breakfast.

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oh yeah, make sure that you aren't closing one eye, just look through the sight with both open and it will help

If i keep both open I GET ALL MESSED UP....:P
I have been doing it with one closed for years now, so i guess it's what i am used to....
I guess what ever works...;)

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