
Skills to learn Prior to jumping camera

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I intend to start working towards jumping with a camera with the view to doing Tandem video eventually.

I will be speaking to the local videographers but value as much info as possible

In the Uk there is a 200 jump minimum before you can even think of wearing a camera, so I am waiting for that anyway.

What I would like to know is what skills should I work on in order to be ready to do video jumps when I get to 200, understand I do not intend nor expect to start with Tandems(thats just dumb) but I want to work on skills that will be useful for doing tandems

How would you want to film the exit for say a tandem vs 4-way?

Also could people recommend a decent but affordable setup that would provide a decent quality product assuming good camera work. Particularly Side vs Top for video camera?

I am also interested to know which is better to start with a winged suit or just a baggy? Pro's and con's would be appreciated.

I want to make sure I do all the ground work to speed up the process while keeping it all safe and being able to produce a decent product that promotes the sport.

To the UK jumpers is there a minimum jump\license number required to jump relative to a tandem?

Thanks in advance

"Now I know why the birds fly"
Hinton Skydivers

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How would you want to film the exit for say a tandem vs 4-way?

ok now keep in mind that my DZ juaps a super otter.....so with tandems i leave a front float exit with the tandem doing a poised exit. Which will put the tandem on their belly and me on my back right in their face. Now with 4-way I leave from the rear camera step, very low on the plane so i can stay as close as possible to them.


Particularly Side vs Top for video camera?

well i would recommend top mounted for two reasons.

1. les smag issues, on top its out of the way from the risera and lines.
2. certer of balance. You will have all the weight on the center of your head which will make the stress on your neck less on opening.


I am also interested to know which is better to start with a winged suit or just a baggy?

now again with anything in videoing, this is a matter of who your videoing, and who you are. If your a 120lbs and filming a group of people who are 180...you really dont need wings. Wings are good for that added range in fall rate. I would get a set of wings......but look at who and what your filming to determine if to wear them or not. I have filmed tandems in my wings, FF suit, and RW suit......its just a matter of looking at the subjects

hope this helped.
"Professor of Pimpology"~~~Bolas

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What I would like to know is what skills should I work on in order to be ready to do video jumps when I get to 200 ...

I'm far from the experience you can get on this forum, but here is my 2 cents worth.

Be able to fly your slot in RW -- at least be able to fly w/o having to think about flying -- by that I mean, fly instinctually as one does a bicycle after learning how. If you have to "think" slip here, slide there, up, down, you will not only not be able to keep the tandem in frame, but you will endanger them. It all comes with experience. That is why 200 jumps is a standard MINIMUM. (others need more, some less)

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I have a couple of really basic things you can read HERE.

I feel pretty strongly that in your first 200 or so jumps you need to learn to fly your body and your parachute competently. You need to be able to hold your position while flying without grips close to the formation without any washing around or wacky things going on with levels. You need to be able to go through the entire skydive without having to think too much about the act of skydiving. To be able to confident in your gear and all of the situations which you'll use it. You need to be able to stand up all your landings with good accuracy.

This takes at least 200 jumps.

Adding the camera is a huge distraction. Everything else needs to be second nature by the time you do that.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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You have already gotten good advice, the only thing I will add is if you decide to jump with a camera suit, pay attention to how the wings can interfere with your deployment, a friend of mine almost went in four years ago when he jumped a camera suit with large wings, they blew over the hackey, making it very difficult to get, and he farted around with it waaaaaay too long.... plus they can restrict your grab on the risers during deployment

They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.

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