
How to attach stroboframe to helmet...?

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Dang. I'm just full of questions.

How have people attached their stroboframes to the helmet?

I'm thinking about using a thumb-screw through the l-bracket on my FTP, I'm also thinking about the 4 screws they included in the package.... But there's only two screw-holes in the base-plate, and it looks like I need to take apart the baseplate to get to the screw-holes.


You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead.

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"it looks like I need to take apart the baseplate to get to the screw-holes."

That's exactly what your going to have to do. It's really not that hard. One thing you'll have to watch for though is when you use the screws (and make sure you countersink the holes), you may have to grind them down a bit. What happens is that if the base plate isn't a thick as the screws are long, when you tighten them down, it can interfere with the actual mechanism. Again, not hard, just cumbersome.

Have fun! It's well worth it when your finished.

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Andy, actually there are three attachment points available if you use the center one. But it's a different size and thread pattern.

That's how I have all of mine, it's overkill, but I'm an overkill kind of guy.

I used Allen bolts from the hardware store. The thumbscrew, by definition, can only get finger-tight.

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my advise....pay attention when you take it apart.....there are like 5 diffrent little objects that must go back in there spots........and dont do it drunk like i did....took me an hour to get that damn thing back together and working.
"Professor of Pimpology"~~~Bolas

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If I remember correctly, because the screw holes don't go all the way through, in order to get the holes properly lined up with your mounting surface you either need to take the plate apart so you can see right through, or try to measure the distance between them and drill your mounting holes the same. That's what I did, which works fine, it's just a little finicky.


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If I remember correctly, because the screw holes don't go all the way through, in order to get the holes properly lined up with your mounting surface you either need to take the plate apart so you can see right through, or try to measure the distance between them and drill your mounting holes the same. That's what I did, which works fine, it's just a little finicky.


I penciled a template and easily knew where the holes needed to be drilled with that. Easy as pie and didn't need to take the plate apart at all.


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Also if you get a piece of paper, line it up on the corner, then punch holes in the paper where the screw holes are, then simply place the paper on the helmet where you want the stroboframe to go and drill where the holes in the paper are. Hope it helps

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What am I missing?


Why does anyone have to take the bracket apart?

You don't.

I hadn't realised the bottom holes were threaded. Until I realised this, I had thought I would dissasemble the base-plate, and then screw down into the helmet.

Once I figured out they were threaded and I could screw up into them, then dissasembling it didn't make sense. Of course, by this time... I'd already dissasembled it.

Conveniently, the holes are two inches on-center, so you really shouldn't need to take it apart to position the holes. Either a paper template or carefull use of a measuring tape works fine.


You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead.

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is anyone else as wary as i am trusting camera's to this thing,

I've got a 10D with a Sigma 14 aspherical on one, and a PC 120 with a Diamond .3 on the other. I can't afford to replace either of those, so no, I'm not wary, it's a very dependable mounting system.

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