
Still camera lens showing up in video

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anyway if your affraid that you will lose the camera if its mounted upside down,then you probaly didnt secure it good enough... The cam should stay in place no matter how its places on the helmet..Or sayning in another way you should be abel to move free in all dimensions whith out beeing affraid of loosing it..I would be more cionserned about my neck;)

Turning the cam upside down shouldnt be a problem at all,unless you secure it by old condoms and spit:P

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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have you tried spacing up the trv? is it in a box or jst mounted to the helment. if its a box space it up w/ a couple of flat washers and then tape the gap to prevent line snag. turning the still camera upside down is safe enough but you may shift the lense more into the picture due to the off position of the lense on the camera body, besides if you mount the camera upside down you have to tell the film processor to process the film differently so the pictures dont turn out upside down;) (try telling that to the walmart developer you will get the most confused looks)

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You've got plenty of room to lower you L bracket. Mine sits flush with the top of the face opening.

Not a big deal, just remember if you want to shoot vertically, you might need to go back to original hole. You might try a (big as you can got) washer on the back for some extra support. I was getting some vibration, so Craig at BONEHEAD built up that area. Give a try, and remember to......

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You've got plenty of room to lower you L bracket. Mine sits flush with the top of the face opening.

That's how mine is now, it works out great.
I still have some drilling to do to mount the flash on there, but hopefully that will be finished this week so I can try it out this weekend.


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Ok, since everybody here helped me out so much with advice, I didn't want to keep the final setup a secret, so here she is (yes.. she.. )

I am going to have the first jump on the complete setup this weekend, I've been jumping the helmet for a couple of weeks now, but haven't jumped it with the flash yet.


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