
Side mount help...

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Well... I finally got my camera situation together and I'm now the proud owner and flyer of a nice skypimp helmet with a sony on the side. In short: I'm lovin it!!!!!!

The sight seems to be pretty much perfect... I don't make much of an effort to fly the video and they're right on shot/angle wise! My only problem is in close flying. On exit (like flowers) and in close (flying docks) I'm not getting the shot straight out in fornt of me due to the side mounting... more like the flyer is in the left side of the frame (Pimps are a right mount) and a bunch of blue sky.

I've only jumped it like 15 times now... but did noticing this problem and learning to fix it screw up your flying for awhile? I'm a little worried about it.

I'm sure it's just jumps... but I thought some of you might have good advice for learning to deal with the off angle of a side mount.

PC-105 with a Sony .6... Pretty much only freefly

Be safe,

Carpe diem

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Some setups allow you to angle the camera a bit, I'm not sure a Skypimp can do that.

I just turn my head a bit and use a .38 lens so it doesn't matter too much exactly where I'm pointing...just so long as I'm close.:P
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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A sony .6 appears as wide as other .42's. My Sony .6 is wider than my kenko .42.

A diamond .3 will definitely do the trick, although you have to be in the dive for it to look good as 5 or more feet of seperation looks like you're way too far away on a .3.

or keep your current set up and you can learn to compensate.


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