
Help me choose my camera

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I really can't decide.
I like the PC110 for supposed quality, but it doesnt have a touch screen interface. HC40 seems nice with the hybrid LCD (for daylight viewing).
I could care less about sills, i have a good digicam.
I can buy all kinds of wide angle lenses for all cameras, so that will not be a deciding factor.
This will be going on a Batrack.


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....touch screens may be fine for the general consumer... but I have always done my best to keep my fingers OFF the flip out screen......control switches which light up when the camera goes into playback mode may be "old tech" but they work just fine.. I also advocate using the remote control when in playback mode,, to reduce wear and tear on the camera mounted buttons..
as for recommendations.... Sony for sure.....
........but since the models change toooo frequently
it's tough ( for me ) to keep up with all the features
and changes....So speak with other camera flyers,,do some research, learn ,, and then buy...
jmy,,,, sony dcr-trv20.. dcr-vx1000...:)

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Me 4. I hate having to deal with touch screens.

As for which model to buy. Take your pick. Whichever size and features you want. I'm sure there will be another new model coming on-line next month to choose from.


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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Well, before the advent of the touch-screen there were these little things called buttons;)

Usually, the controls are located elsewhere on the camera - on mine, for instance, the controls are located on the camera body where the screen folds in. You pop open the screen and Presto - they be right there:)


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Last month I had to decide between SONY's new PC109 or HC40.
They have the same one mega pixel CCD, but the HC40 cost CAN$200 less.
I bought the HC40 and it is serving me well for hand-mounted videos of my tandem students.
As for all the fancy fade features available on the touch screen, I have not gotten around to learning them. I am afraid of damaging the screen in a cramped Cessna, so I just shove my HC40 into its padded (hand-mounted) condom, turn it to "EASY" and shoot away.

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I understand you can do all of this with post production, and on "older" models you use to have all of those buttons. But if i want to make the montage on the camera as i'm filming (this is how we do it at our DZ, all that is left is to add music), and with a camera like the TRV22, i dont have any choice about using the touchscreen, right? i'm asking this because with the DBox for the TRV22, i dont have access to the touchscreen....[:/]

i'm still learning....thx for your help guys, greatly appreciated

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Well, if you need to edit the video on the fly you're pretty much screwed no matter what you decide to do if you intend on having it in a D-Box. I used to have my video camera mounted on a Stroboframe and that gave me access to all of the controls but it was a pain in the ass when it came time to change the tape. You might want to have a discussion with the DZO and see if they'd be willing to get a cheap linear editing system - Hell, if he's interested, let me know, I have two mixing boards collecting dust in the closetB|

Come to think of it - I have seen a custom built box for a PC-110 that was open on the screen side and that actually provided pretty good access as well as protection. The downside is you'd have to build the housing yourself:(


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I really like the PC105. The two downsides are:

1). A/V output cable is non-standard. (weird D-plug)
2). Lanc port is on the right side (against the helmet). You have to plug in the CamEye and then bolt on the camera.

Other than that, its a great camera. You can still find new ones for around $700.

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Yeah I picked one up mainly because of the size for special type projects (belly cam, foot cam, hand cam) new in the box for $495. I hate the touch screen but I can live with it. Small ass remote though....
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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