
Liquid lens from cookie

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Hi to all

i was just looking at the liquid lenses from cookie, i just want to make sure, can i adjust my focus to infinity, or not, like the diamond 0.3?

what would you recommend between a lens like liquid, or a sony lens? i do video for tandems and 4way, so i'm not looking for a super wide angle like 0.3


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email or PM Jason, he's on here as Cookie.
I pretty sure what ver you can do with a diamond you can do with one of their Liquids. They make REALLY good stuff:)
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I've got a Way Cool Red Eye 0.3. You can't focus with infinity but it doesn't seem to matter. You just let it auto focus to 0.1 and everything is in from the lens to infinity. I think the liquid lenses are a copy of the waycool lenses so the focusing will probably be the same. The Red Eye is awesome, it has a really clear picture with hardly any distortion and is really small and light, I'm really happy with it.

They have a guide for focus etc. here: http://www.waycool.com.au/html/red-eye-users-guide.htm


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Does someone have the email for Jason aka Cookie? what is PM someone? (sorry, i'm not a cyberspace expert)


phone International + 61 439 760 516
Fax Fax International +61 7 3885 3239

You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
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