
Movie will not play back through DVD/TV

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Can anyone help with what is probably a really basic problem. I have compiled a movie of the UK 4-way Nationals and burnt it to CD. As I am fairly new to the editing game I have been using MS Movie Maker (coz its free prior to buying a more advanced editor such as Premiere but more on that in my next thread). I have edited the movie and burnt it to CD and it plays back fine through Media Player. The problem I am having is that the CD does not play back through a DVD player?TV combination.

Can anyone think of a way I can cheat Movie
Maker into saving the movie as something which is compatible with a UK DVD player/TV combination?

Use your wings Johnny....

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Yep, go here, download the latest tsunami encoder.
This will help you make a VCD or (better quality)SVCD.
The entire project (I'm assuming you dumped a whole load of footage onto a cd as AVI?)will require to be rendered into this format then burned to disc.
It should then play on your DVD player, not all DVD players can read VCD/SVCD, but its almost certain that your one can't read raw AVI files.
I'll chat with you in the avvo about your other prob.:)

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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Nacmacfeegle - thanks for the quick reply, I will try that when I get home. The project wasnt dumped as an AVI (and that might be part of the problem) - the footage was downloaded into MS Movie Maker, edited with music, stills, transitions etc and then saved: however, with Microsoft Movie Maker when you save the finished movie it is stored in a bespoke Movie Maker format (.wmv I think) and I am guessing that this format isnt recognised by DVD/TV players.

Use your wings Johnny....

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"I am guessing that this format isnt recognised by DVD/TV players. "

Thats basically it, let us know if the above works for you, glad to help.:)

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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