
How you use audio creating a video?

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Hey guys I need your opinions!
Actually I have two questions.
First what's more important for you in your editing job -- audio or video? Do you cut video being guided by soundtrack? Or may be you create video first and choise the right soundtrack that would be good for the video you already created?
And how you mix the audiotracks?
Do you use any special purposed programms?

And that's the main question: what compressor you use for audio and for video than you make the final export process? Last time I made it with the compressors that weren't popular. Nobody has it on his PC and my video or/and audio is impossible to play.[:/]
Between two evils always pick theone never tried

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Video is obviously more important - you don't want to cut some beutiful peaces just because the next block of the music is over, but on the other hand - normally you can't cut music so you have to deal with fitting your video (with all transitions and video effects) into the music. Cause normally - you take music "ready to eat" and video - is your arena :) where you have freedom for creativity.
As for compressor - so far I've been useing Microsof Movie Maker (which comes with Windows XP and could be upgraded to v. 2 from MS website). It uses MS Windows Media Player 9 codecs and you can also download them from MS website so your friends can watch your work too. This is far not the best software, but on the other hand - simple and runs on my work notebook with no need for extra licence ;).

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I rough edit the video into themes.

I pick music that I like for that section of the video and lay that down.

I re-edit the video to match the beats or vocals of the music.

Example of mine is at PullTime.net Download the DZ.Holiday Boogie 2003 preview. That's an example of having too much good video, so I tagged another bit of music on the end.

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Audio first... is there any other way? ;)


Of course there is - you simply take all of your video clips and paste them on the timeline in the order you want them - Then you just compose the music. :P


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not to pick on you John but i actualy dont like the result of your vid[:/] i think that swifitng between senes like you do is confusing and mostlikly looks like a comersial.Sorry its my hard poinion on the edit of that paticular vid.That the shots are great i will not ague about,but i think too many diffrent things happens in too short a time...

Lika,i edit the video first,then i use hell of a long time finding music i thinks fit into the vid.Often i cut in the music just to get the music i need and then trash the rest.

The 1 vid i saw from you,were REALLY impressiv,and its one of my favorits.I think the way its edited it just perfect.As said i couldnt hear the audio on the other vid,but that vid also has GREAT edit in it,if you add the right music you can get mony from that work.

Keep doing as you do,i like it alotB|
Lene and the kids say hello,the kids even asked when the beatutyfull girl would come back,besides they think your way cool jumping he he.Besure to send me the new vids,they like your vid alot aswell.

By the way the vid i edited is now public,i hope you like it:)

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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I totally disagree - I find videos that are not synched to the music and that include long scenes from the same jump or longer clips are used as filler, to be quite boring and uninteresting. In my opinion, a video like John's here where short clips are timed with the music is much more dynamic and eye catching.

Just my two cents.



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i would agree if only a few secs at the time is good from the capture,but im sure John has serval good seconds from the vid that could be used.

besides you can find and cut music so it fits the video..after al its sopuosed to be eyecandy;)

I think i would switch off the vid if i had to look at a vid for 30mins like that..

but hey we aint meant to agree on evrything i just said what i feel..

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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I don't think anyone disagrees that sync'ing video to music is a good thing.

I couldn't watch Jon's movie for more than a few seconds... It seems like it was edited for someone with ADD. I felt like it mighta caused a seisure, or sumethin... The clips are just way too fast. This to me is an extreme example of whats wrong with a lot of skydivng videos - there's no room for the context of the shots. The videos don't try to tell a story of the jumps.

My videos tend to show complete dives, the edits are a lot longer and often synced to music. Here's the one I did last year: http://www.buildview.com/andrew/2003pgS.wmv. In many cases I tried to make the music match the feel of the video, and sync up when appropriate. One example is at 2:30 ish - I timed Peter Gabriels "when you're falling" with the launch of RW, and I timed the "feel" of the music with the turning of points. It gives some of the jumps a choreographed look. The worked really well around the 6-7 minute mark. It's really subtle, but it's there.

Another example is at 9:20ish, during the raft jumps. I had the techno pick up right at exit. Not so suble, but it worked.

Just because something is timed to music, it doesn't mean it's gonna be obvious, and it certainly doesn't mean the video has to edited for Attention Deficit Disorder.

I've certainly got my ideas about what a good video looks like, and I'm the first to admit that I've got a lot of work before my work is where I want it to be. I am also aware that my ideas are exactly that - ideas, and others are free to disagree.


You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead.

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I didn't vote in the poll because the options don't represent how I edit.

First, I pick the video clips that I'm going to use.
Then I pick the audio clips that I'm going to use. Sometimes I use audio just because it's cool, sometimes I pick something that's targetted to the video.

Then I edit it all togeather, using an integrated audio/video editing tool like Adobe Premiere.

It's not a matter of fitting a to b, but editing both a and b so that they work togeather.


You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead.

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Well, I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree. I'm not saying that Jon's video is a perfect example but I do feel that it's much more interesting than the example that you posted. I think a happy medium between the two would be more to my liking.

As a viewer, I have no interest in watching 10 seconds of nothing but sky - In my opinion, shots where the subject is completely out of the frame are a big no-no. I also find it quite boring to watch a tiny subject for 20 seconds while you work your way down to them. In my opinion, sections like that bring the excitement level down to a point where I lose interest.

Don't get me wrong Andy, I'm not trying to knock your work or your opinions. I'm just giving you some honest feedback from my point of view, that's all.

Just to be fair, and to give you an idea of where I'm coming from, here's a link to a video that I made a while back. I'm not saying it's either better or worse than either of the videos you guys made, it's just an example of what I've been talking about.




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Thanks for the feedback. I guess I should have explained the clip first. The video you're watching is just the intro. The entire video is 20 minutes or so and the rest of the scenes are longer. So, yeah, the clip you watched is pretty jerky. It just to get you pumped for the rest of the video.

You can watch the full version on skydivingmovies.com. Go to MISCELLANEOUS section, then the BOOGIES section and look for couchfreak.wmv

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