
Helmet Camera - Lipstick Camera

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They lack at least half the high-frequency vibration damping capabilities of Sony camcorders - Sonys have mechanical as well as electronic anti-shake technology, and AFAIK the bullet cams will lose the mechanical anti-shake part.

Other than that, the Monkey Kam website is a nice brochure.


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yeah, like Jason said, shop around the net and you'll find some good deals!

I bought from these dudes:


specifically, this one: '21CSHRX W'

on here:

you'll need to be handy with rigging up a battery pack of sorts, but that's easy.

I like that unit because it's waterproof, it has interchangeable lenses, the quality is very comparable to my PC105 and the lowlight sensitivity is unbelievable compared to my PC105.....

it does tend to fog up easily though....

you want to spend time on the connectors, though and get really good ones.


edited to hit the 'url' button a few times - doh!

soon to be gone

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did you have any difference in coullors?

How does it work in the urban envioment to you?

I already got the kit myself,but to be honest i have been so disapointed that i actualy dont use it.>:(

in darker invioments(it should be abel to handel 0 lux)like sunset or twiglightzone i get blue spots in the black places(were it should be black)

In ideal conditions i can get red/brown dirt(on of my latest vids show this alot).

Pain in the A## as i got the best cam,3lenses and a remote.Plus i used mony toget the best and strongest recharcheble batteryes for it.. guess i used close to 300£ total for somthing i dont use anymore due poor quallyB|[:/]

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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I am using the rfconcepts camara myself, and I am very pleased with it, so are the subjects of my video's: the technique used inside, the CCD, is the same as in normal Sony camera's.. I notice no difference in picture quality, the only 'problem' I have with it is that grabbing still from the video gives you lesser quality. But my neck is in better shape now ;-)


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