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My PC101 crapped out and they want $700 to fix it.. The drum unit??!!?? Oh well.. Now I need your help for help chosing my next camera..

I have a brand new D-Box that fit the 101 well.. So I want a similar size. Second, I only want a Sony and of course I want it for free :D

Thanks for all your opinions and help!


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I bought my PC101 on ebay for $400. It works great. Now i might be just a lucky one but it's worth looking.


Careful what electronics you buy on ebay. To replace my TRV8 (good workhorse, but it'd just plum wore out) I got a TRV10 off ebay (wanted to save money and keep my same dbox).

Camera looked great and seemed to run great....until (first day of my use on the ground) I found it needed a new drum. Cost? About 6 months for them to diagnose it and over $300 to fix it.

In the mean time (while I was waiting for the 10) I had to buy a new camera. Got the TRV22. Nice upgrade, but not the $$ I was looking to spend originally.


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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