
To Shutterfly or not?

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How are people doing with Shutterfly?

Here's my concern. I love the instant gratification I can give when I have a printer at the DZ. Shortly after the jump I can walk around with a photo and sell it the "old fashioned" way. I find I do pretty good at this... After a 16 way last weekend, I sold 8 copies. Some of them wanted copies "right now!", others are letting me bring them a copy this weekend.

I figure if I do Shutterfly, I'll have business cards printed out with the website address, and I'll hand these out after every jump.

I'm loving the idea of the reduced hassle of not having to print at the DZ, plus not having a long list of print-outs to do during the week.

How easily are people being able to "sell" prints that are on shutterfly?


You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead.

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I don't use Shutterfly. I like the "personal" touch when dealing with clients. I've found that I carry a lot of respect with people when I'm personally involved. I also adjust pricing for larger orders. I want to sell my goods, but I also want repeat business. I can talk with clients one on one and get them exactly what they are looking for.

Personal opinion.

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Hey Andy..
Lany and I take a crapload of pictures. We could sift through them and post the best or print the best and try to sell them but that would definitely cut into our fun time at the dz. Instead we just load pretty much all of it onto shutterfly. It doesn't make us any money but it is a fun and easy way to share our pictures with the other jumpers. And, to us, the reward is when people tell us each week how they de-stress at work by looking at our site or how much they liked a certain picture.. B|
gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking..

Lotsa Pictures

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We actually use both. Kathy is nicknamed the Japanese Tourist and takes a lot of ground shots. She is the one that started Shutterfly and the DZ paid for it. I was shorthanded for video so I set up a video rig once again and I joined in. Now they have it set up where you now what picture was bought and who shot it.

To answer the original question, we do both. We have a photo printer at the DZ (not the best, but does well) and then we also do shutterfly. The student pictures seem to do better on SF then fun jumpers. The fun jumpers want them now. We still put them up there and occasionally a fun jumper will have a relative buy something.

I am not totally useless, I can be used as a bad example.

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