
Sony's HDV 1080i Consumer Camcorder

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It compresses to MPEG. If you currently have Hi Definition digital (satelite, cable) it's broadcast compressed also.

There are several different compression schemes available, but even the terrestial HD broadcast is compressed.

I'd be willing to bet within 5 years, anyone NOT using a HD camera will be like someone shooting CVHS today.
illegible usually

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Nice but way out of my price range but damn I want one. By the way where are you jumping these days I met you at Al's party.

Heya, Dave...I'd love to have one too, but for right now, my Sony HC40 works just fine.;)

I jump occasionally at Dallas, but mostly at Hinton. I'm planning on checking out Airtight and Dale's place once I get back from the AOT boogie. I'm sure I'll see ya' around.B|
Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™

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