
How do I build a remote switch

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I want to build a remote switch for my cannon Rebel. Im going to use it outside of skydiving so I need to have a hand switch, The sell the for like 25.00 but I was hoping to save some money and build on myself for less, can someone give me good directions on how to build one???

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A piece of 2 or 3 conductor insulated wire, a stereo plug, some solder, a soldering iron, a normally open micro switch, some heat shrink, a multi-meter, and some very basic knowledge of electronics should get you there.

Why do you need a hand switch as opposed to a tongue, bite, or blow switch? No matter how it's activated it still just plugs in to the remote port on the camera.



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Photography class!! What a novel ideaB| Good for you....you'll be way ahead of the curve before you get half way through the class:)
To be honest, if you're only going to make one, the $25.00 ain't such a bad deal. The materials you need won't cost you much but the hassle of making the damned thing is worth a few bucks too.

The procedure is actually quite simple if you have some basic knowledge of electronics......Don't take this the wrong way but, since you posed the question I'm assuming that electronics probably isn't your field of expertise:)
If you really want to make the thing yourself, ask your photography instructor or most any camera guy at your DZ and they should be able to show you how it works.

If you ask around and you still can't find any help, feel free to PM me and I'll walk you through it.

Good luck,


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