
HC40 Focus Question

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For those that are running these cameras, and probably the 20 and the 30, when in Easy mode if automatically switches to Auto Focus?? Has this been a problem over a formation with the camera trying to focus on the ground? The Easy makes the picture look great but I am wondering about the focus issue.

I like the not having to worry about the exposure at all but I am use to being able to go to infinify focus and leave it at the for pretty much everything regarding skydiving. There are two uses for this camera, hand mount and helmet. Do I need to worry about different settings for the two different needs.. Input from people with these cameras would be appreciated....

Also as a side note for some other posts out there I have my order in on the BH D-box for my 40. The box is said to be for the HC 20, 30 and 40 cameras. I talked to Linda and they had a batch they are shipping (I think they are shipping) and they are building the next batch. Orders are being taken. I was told 2 weeks last week to get in on the second batch shipment, but we will see.....

Thanks in advance on teh focus and EASY operation question.

Scott C.
"He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"

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I can't give you a long-winded explanation.
I just know that footage turns out way better when I leave my HC40 on "EASY."
Note, I only use my HC40 in a hand mount with 0.3 or 0.2 wide angle lenses. With those lenses, I also found that I had to gaffer's tape the zoom switch to the widest setting.

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