
Looking for footage...

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Hey guys, I'm trying to put together a video and I'm looking to license some video footage. Right now, I'm looking for any funny or amusing clips that make you laugh when you watch them. I'm not looking for people getting seriously hurt or any kind of carnage video. Let me know if you have any ideas bmountain@nashentertainment.com.

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Do you have some more info on the intended use?

Is it for a commercial DVD
For something that will be free for Download
A Television show (and local or nation/world wide?)
For commercial use, or personal use?
And just for single use or complete ownership of the footage?
I'm an Athlete?

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Hey Jarno,

It's for a TV show and we'd like to get worldwide rights. We're not looking to buy footage, just to get permission to use it.

It sounds like you want something for nothing?
(Or are you just trolling?)
I just bumped up this thread and you should read through it.
I have lots of footage you might find useful. But it's not free.

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This guy wrote me months ago, Basically he wants all the video youÕll give him with no promise of use or money, and no contractual obligation to you to use your material or to not sell it to someone else.

I personally do not think itÕs a good ideal, but IÕm also under contract with a stock footage provider and could not give him video anyway.


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