
PC 105 on ?

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Hi All,

I am just starting out video filimng and was wondering if there is a remote device that you can add to a PC105 to tell you that it is recording (other than asking other people in the plane). I am sure I have seen something but couldnt find a reference in the archives.



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CamEye II, that's the standard that everyone uses. It plugs into the Lanc port and even operates the on/off/record functions with a single button, flashes when you're about out of battery or tape...all in all a pretty sweet device.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Yep, and all you have to do is cut up your camera and/or helmet to install it.... ;)

Not true.
I've seen gaffer tape used very effectively on Cameyes and although it's not overly pretty it IS functional and safe.:P So there:P
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