
Sony PC10e

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Hey all,

This is the first time i'm posting in this forum and i'm hoping some of you can offer some advice.

A guy at my home dz has a Sony PC10e for sale, he's asking around $780 for it. Could you offer some information about the camera/the deal?

Is that a good price? (I haven't seen it yet so i have no idea of it's condition)

Is it a decent camera to buy as a first camera?

I've done a search in the forums and didn't find much on it and i've spoken to a few people thus far and have gotten mixed reactions.

Some say i'm mad even considering it because it's so far back in the Sony PC range and others have said hell yeah go for it.

Any thoughts/advice/information would be greatly appreciated.


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No, I think the PC10 came out it 2000 and it quite large. Why not spend $690 bucks at www.dbuys.com and get a new PC-109, or even $507 for the HC-40. The PC-10 may be worth $75 bucks if it's in pristine shape.

Buy a new one.


- Does this small canopy make my balls look big? - J. Hayes -

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There's not really a chart that I know of but if you go to DBUYS and look at the different miniDV cameras, the specs are at the bottom. I'd go with what people are already using for skydiving, (PC-109, PC-330, PC-350, HC-20, HC-30, HC-40) There are also Bonehead boxes for all these cameras (as far as I know). For a first camera I'd look at the HC series, they're small relatively inexpensive, and produce good video.


- Does this small canopy make my balls look big? - J. Hayes -

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