
Cheaper option fro canon 20D connector

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Please forgive me if this might be posted elsewhere, but I thought someone might find it useful:

Having a canon D60 which uses the N3 plug (same on the 20D etc) and not really liking the fact that canon wants $60 for their remote, there is a less expensive route: A company named adidt makes a remote that can be had for about $15. the remote end is rather cheap and poorly made, but the plug is the same as the canon remote with the long exposure option.

Wiring: (bite witch to connector)
ignore green

Hope this helps someone out

-Chris Hurt

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I found a person selling them through e-bay, they can be found on e-bay, and I'm sure if you search the web you can find more. PM me if you want the contact information of where I bought mine. He was actually very nice and was able to get the remote to me quickly for the weekend.

It's the M1-c3 model


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