
New wide angle lense comparison.....

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Just got a new toy from Max or www.royal-lens.com

It's the Diamond .2 lens. I've had a .3 from him for some time now, and I can say that this seems to be of the same great quality!

Attached are some comparisons from all the lenses I own.

The subject is a 5x7 framed photograph, with the camera's lens sitting 6 inches away.

First the normal unmodifies PC105 view.
Then my Kenko .5 which I used for a long time (notice small color shift)
Next my Sunpak .42 my main Tandem Skydive lens (I see a bigger color shift though_
Then the Diamond .3 which I use for all sorts of skydiving from belly mounts to 4 way (with a bit of zoom) to FF
And finaly the Diamond .2 which I will use for my new handmount (thanks riggerrob), belly mounts and anything else fun I can think of.......

More after I play with it some..........

Edit:Note: the black border in the third and last pictures is only in the "photo" mode, and does not appear in video playback....also should only happen on my 105 where I use a step ring...the lenses are avaliable in a 30mm (and 25 mm from what I understand) I just picked 37 to be standard with all my cameras.....
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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Cool, but do I see that the focusing is heavily impared at the edges with the 0,2?

I don't think so. The shot was taken in pretty poor light, the lens image through the camera looks crystal clear, plus the "photo" frame is a bit larger than the "video" frame......
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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"Very interesting have you tried the Black eye from cool industries???

Maybe someone from Waycool would send you one, purely for comparison, fair playing field, and all that.

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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