
mac homepage help please

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hi guys,
Ok so if you use to go to my home page the link would be
fine, now i deleted all my pages and am trying to put new ones up....the only way to get to them is by
www.homepage.mac.com/bigwayproduction/whatever the page is called/
How do i set a page at the first address(like it use to be) and not having an extension after www.homepage.mac.com/bigwayproductions/do not want to type anything here/ to make that my menu(home)page

I hope this question makes sense and would really appreciate the help.
I have searched all through the help menu and have tried everything i can think of.
The first page is meant to be at the first address i have shown you but it will not to there.:S

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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Its whatever the server is setup to use as the indexing page. A lot of places have it setup to accept "index.htm" (or .html, .asp, etc) and/or "home.htm" (same on the extensions.

E-mail THEIR support and ask, or I'm sure its in a FAQ on THEIR site.;)
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.Mac learning Centre

It's been a long time since I set up my .Mac pages. Try that and I'll think about it a bit more. I have this feeling that the first page you set up becomes your default homepage and doesn't necessarily need to be named index.htm....but that might depend on if you are creating the pages and uploading vs. using Homepage to create the pages inside your web browser.

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Go to your homepage.mac.com editing page and from the list of pages you've created, click and drag the pages into the order you want the menu at the top of all the pages to be. The first one in the list will be bolded and it will also be the default page for your .mac web pages.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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thank you all,
Quade, i have been doing that but there is where the problem is, it is not making it my default page, it is going bold though.
I have read everything there is about the mac homepage but it is not helping, i guess i will have to write to mac.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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