Cheap Digital for jumping, goof-off stuff

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Anyone know of a decent digital point and shoot with a remote shutter release that will stand up to skydiving but I won't care if I leave in Tijuana? I'm looking for a little camera to play with and may as well get something that I can tape to my vid helmet.
"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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i once took up a use once kodak wind on camera, it worked excellent aprt from the forward sliding when winding it on and aiming through the lens, bloody funny though for the tandem master

Now that's pretty funny. TI's need a few laughs now and then! :)

Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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Yes. Any digital camera you buy can be made to have a remote shutter release.

Find one that fits your "cheep enough to loose" requirement that will also have good enough resolution etc then mod it.

All you have to do is open up the body of the camera and access the wiring leading from the shutter release button. Splice a set of wires to a 2.5mm socket which you secure into a hole drilled in the body of the camera. The bite/blow/thumb switch plugs into that socket as normal and should fire the camera exactly as if it was intended by the factory.

Don't blame me if you fuck the camera in the process though. I've seen one example done so professionally you'd think the camera came with feature... and one which almost completely screwed the camera. It all comes down to the ability of the person doing the mod.

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Yes. Any digital camera you buy can be made to have a remote shutter release.

All you have to do is open up the body of the camera and access the wiring leading from the shutter release button. Splice a set of wires to a 2.5mm socket which you secure into a hole drilled in the body of the camera. The bite/blow/thumb switch plugs into that socket as normal and should fire the camera exactly as if it was intended by the factory.

I was wondering if anyone had experience with this?
Does the resistance of the blow/bit/suck/sqeeze-switch wire pose a problem when trying to 'mod' a digital photo-camera?
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As I posted above (almost a year ago :P) I've seen this done a couple of times. None of the cameras had a problem with the extra wire - the only problems were created on one of the camera mods by the numbnuts who thought he'd fiddle with the thing while he was in there and discharged the capacitor against his thumb. That "learned" him quick enough.

I'm not remotely qualified to comment on the electrical side of the mod – all I know is I've seen it done successfully by simply leading a second set of wires from the switch to a 2.5mm socket in the body of the camera. What you plug into that socket simply completes the circuit required to fire the camera. I guess if it causes problems you could always remove the mod?

Given the sheer volume and diversity of cameras out there, I wouldn't be surprised if there were some where this kind of ghetto mod just wouldn't work. It's up to you to determine what's going to happen if you fiddle with the thing once you've got the body open.

Someone else on here though might be able to advise on the electrical engineering side of things mind.

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Electrical Engineer = well thats what the paper on my wall says.

Anyway all it appears the "MODS" have done is wired another switch in parallel.

Think of it as light switches in your house. Some houses have more than one switch to turn on the same light. Both do the same thing by completing the circuit.

There are 2 problems I can see:

1. If the switch was very noisy and not debounced it could take more than 1 shot everytime you hit the switch.

2. Some cameras have a "dual switch" when you hit the button to take the picture, If you lightly press the button it will autofocus, and if you depress it completly it will take the picture. So if this is the case make sure you wire the mod to the "second" switch so it will take the picture right away and change the settings in the camera as needed for focus.

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Yes. Any digital camera you buy can be made to have a remote shutter release.

Do you or anybody have an exploded view of a Nikon D50? Hmmm. Maybe I can buy one with the extended warranty, and if I screw it up, well, you know.... :$

I just wonder how the switch works, since you push it half way to focus, and then all the way for shutter release.

Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!

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i once took up a use once kodak wind on camera, it worked excellent aprt from the forward sliding when winding it on and aiming through the lens, bloody funny though for the tandem master

I did the same thing with a drawing tablet and some colored pencils. didnt have much tiome for deatils. LOL

actually I took a disposable cam and a digital hand held cam up a few times. I kinda strapped it to my alti hand just in case I lost it, the strap would keep it from falling. the pics came out pretty good.

DISCLAIMER: when I jumped with those camera's I jumped over Jean and Mesquite NV. there was nothing below me to worry about hitting. just dirt and sand
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See the post right above yours, Jeff.

Yeah, I did see that, but I'd still like to see a diagram of what I'm getting into before I take apart a $600 camera.

I've got this thing about not believing everything I read on the Internet! ;)

Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!

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I have my D70 sitting here in front of me right now.... this is so tempting... maybe I better sober up first... :D

Looks like 6 small screws hold the top cap on... If I'm lucky that will expost the shutter release mechanism.

Maybe there's a way to use the IR remote, but pipe the light through some fiber optic instead.

Any other ideas are welcome here folks... [:/]

Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!

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