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I know, I know...
there is already a large group of people talking about this in another posting.
I have a customer who just dropped off his old javelin for I&R, the rig has soft cut-away cable housing, but it has no tube or cahnnel that I can see, it just has the soft channel that is viible and after that inside the Yoke there is nothing, in fact I felt with my fingers and it is currently routed under the reserve steel cable housing...I will make my recommendation to change to hard housing, but in the mean time is this rig missing something< I can't find anything in PIA's forum nor in Sunpath's website, sure would be nice to know before I go to the DZ.


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Javelins don't have a tube in the yoke. The release cable should pass OVER the reserve ripcord housing, above the vertical bar-tack, then outside of the horizontal bartack and into the soft housing. This is from PG. 46 of the old (Feb 93) Javelin manual.

I definately recommend the retro-fit to hard housings.


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I have the Jav manual regarding the Soft Release Housings. I can fax it over to you if you like. Just fire me off a PM with a fax number if you like. I also seem to recall that you had to route the cable below a bar tack to help prevent a pull being very hard becuse it can bunch up in the yoke by the neck if above the bar tack. I seem to recall that the Bar Tack was to act sorta like a leverage point that the cable needed to be under. If I am thinking about another rig I am sure I will get corrected. RI's soft housing in the flexon and talon has a teflon tube that acted as a guide inteh backpad between the lleft and right sides. I dont think that the Jav's ever did.

From teh Jav Manual:
"The soft housings are made in two peices, a right and a left shown inn fig 2. As you can see the left housing is not continous. The left release cable exits the "insertion guide" and then crosses the wearer's shoulders in the space between the backpad and the yoke. It is then down the left side of the left shoulder pad entering the left housing at the ring jumction."

The insertion guide is the fabric channel that does exactly what is described....

The entire section in the manual is three pages with figures. Like I said let me know if you want a faxed copy and hope the info helps!

Scott C.
"He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"

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Are you asking how to replace the cutaway cables once you have pulled the cutaway handle on your soft housing equiped Javelin?

My advice is unless you have been shown how to do it before, go see a rigger and have that person walk you through it... the stupid hook method shown in the old manuals is a good way for an inexperienced person to fuck up their rig and the cables...

What would Vic Mackey do?

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