
what type of wide angle lens do I need?

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If you get a .3, you can zoom it to about a .6 (depending on the type of lens you get) as your relative flying skills improve, you can back it out to .3.

Small blurry people are no fun to watch on video.

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the lens I use most (RW, freefly, tandems) on my PC8 is the Sony 0.6

I use it for everything, except "very" close, for that I use my Waycool BlackEye lens. Would also like to get a RedEye.
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its really a matter of personal prefrance....i have seen many flyers get great video weather they are shooting a .2 or no lens at all....just keep in mind that the wider lens you get the closer you will have to fly.......2-.3 you will have to be basically docked on their feet to get them full frame (4-way)

i personally fly a Stealth .5 from www.royal-lens.com And with tandems i can take a hand dock and dont have to feel overly uncomfortable when filming RW cause im so close.

But also if you get a lens from there, you can only zoom in half power before the subject becomes blurry, no matter the distance.
"Professor of Pimpology"~~~Bolas

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