
Side Mount Swivel Mount

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Does anyone have any ideas on how to make a rotatable mount that will connect a Cookie Composite PC105 box to a helmet. This would take care of 2 problems. First: Allow the box to be mouted without using spacers (square box to semi-rounded helmet). Second: Allow the camera angle to be easily adjusted during backtrack filming.

What I need is some type of dial mount, preferable ratcheted, that can be loosed and rotated. It has to be light and thin so the box doesn't stick out to far off the helmet.


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You could make something like that out of Kydex and it would probably work. For insperation take a look at the "Roto-360" holster put out by Fubos. They have a design that is similar to what you've described and it deals with similar weights as cameras.

You might even be able to adapted on of their "roto belt attatchments" to mount to the box and helmet.

The complete downside is now your camera is sticking out even further from your helmet.
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