
Selling good video footage to TV? Contacts?

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I have some cool footage that I just shot a month ago and I know it's worth some money. Real TV or You Gotta See This, etc. Anyone have contact info?


Clint MacBeth
Skydive Moab 435 259 JUMP
M.O.A.B. Mother Of All Boogies Sept 19 - 23, 2012

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do you just want them to add their own commentaries, like [pseudo dramatic voice]"the skydiver plunges to a certain death at 120 Mph... He can not open his parachute... Suddenly another parachute opens and saves him just a couple of seconds before impact..."[/pseudo dramatic voice]

IMHO better keep sensationnal footage for "people who know", not for whuffos
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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I disagree. I will have someone do the voice over here before I send it. It's not carnage so you can't really bad mouth it!

Plus are the "people who know", going to give me a few thousand $$??

Moab is world famous and putting an arch on tv with a canopy flying through it will have people drawn to their tv's. So it will give more exposure to the town of Moab and Skydiving.


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I disagree. I will have someone do the voice over here before I send it. It's not carnage so you can't really bad mouth it!

Plus are the "people who know", going to give me a few thousand $$??

Moab is world famous and putting an arch on tv with a canopy flying through it will have people drawn to their tv's. So it will give more exposure to the town of Moab and Skydiving.

hope your voices stay on... otherwise
"the skydiver loses control and his parachute gets into a deadly turn towards the planet... Fortunately he mabages to get out of the death spiral and luckily flies through the arch avoiding the rocks at 80 mph..." :o:o:D:P
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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Yep, but there's a mixture of sensationalism and just ignorance when they get it wrong. A voiceover will at least inform them, but it will almost cetrainly not be used I'd expect. There are national and international performance artists rights issues with that and they like their own themes and sound quality. The also probably want the original audio track unmolested.

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If it's money you want, just making a small DVD with cool footage, and putting it out there for other skydivers is probably a better idea.
This will also give you more exposure with the 'right' kind of audience...cause no matter what voice over you put on your video..they will have Bob Shaget or someone like that put funny comments or death-defying idiot speeches over your good material :P

Sometimes your lucky, but most TV programs probably also won't pay big amounts of money for your footage...they just want your tapes, and give you a pat on the back.
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hey clint,
i was under the impression that real tv pay like $150. for footage.
you will make more than that if you sell 30 copies of your own dvd at $30. per dvd.
I would buy one from you.

The ground always, remembers where you are!

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No, no. There is a right way to sell footage and a wrong way. Producers of RealTV and any show for that matter will try to buy it from you for a few measly hundred dollars without any royalties or contract, whatsoever. If you don't know any better, they will make that sound like a generous offer. It's not. They make hundreds of thousands off the show. If you truly have footage that is worth something, don't undersell yourself. Last time I heard, the going rate was around $700 for a minute of footage, with a minute minimun, ie, if you only have 10 seconds of something worth showing, still value it at a minute. Rights and royalties are far more important than that $700. Rights being of course who owns the rights to the footage. NEVER sell the rights to the footage. What you sell to them is a license to use the footage, while you maintain the rights to it. And royalties are that whenever the clip is shown more than once, you get paid. So if they use it in a commercial or re-run the show several times, every time that clip hits the air, you get paid. Maybe it's just $100 each time, but that can add up if you're lucky. Make sure all of this is written in a contract. And when the producers try to tell you the show doesn't have that kind of money to buy footage, let the negotiating game begin. If your footage is really worth something, they will pay up for it. If not, well, then, negotiate.

Keep in mind selling footage to shows like realTV usually puts a negative light on skydiving. If you don't want them to do a voiceover or sensationalize it, get that in a contract, otherwise be prepared for them to butcher the truth of the story and make it look like someone narrowly escaped death, yet again, in the dangerous world of skydiving. And that, is why we don't usually give footage to shows like RealTV. Our sport doesn't need any more bad press.

good luck

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I sold a sub thirty second shot of a cool wipe out on our swoop pond to "You Gotta See This" and they gave me $500.00. :)

I don't know if that show is still in production, though.
Russell M. Webb D 7014
Attorney at Law
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