
Need some advice on mounting a d-box

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Hey I got a pc-109 and a d-box for the top of my flat-top pro but I need some help. What is the best why do mount it? Did you run only one screw throught the d-box and the helment or two so it will not turn on top of the helment. Also did you run the screw from inside the d-box down and nut it inside the helment or did you run the screw from inside the helment to inside the d-box. Please help perferable from some one with this type of setup already. Lew help a friend from Richmond.


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I'd put at least 4 screws in from the bottom.

I have that setup in my helmet and it works great.

Also, use some clear nail polish around the hole openings to stop any fraying of the carbon fiber.
The stuff raises havoc with electronics.



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I used the 3 screws that came with the Bonehead d-box.

I ran the screws up from inside the FTP, and put the bolts inside the dbox. Use small bolts and the foam will compress around them. Or, use the funny counter-sunk bolts (whose name escapes me) that came with your d-box.


You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead.

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No, because you will use flat "inverted" nuts on them.

The bolts are flat in the camera area, and the actual bolt section goes down into the helmet. Give Bonehead a call today. They will send you some.


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Yes, i'm talking about the ones that are in the side of the d-box. Since you're mounting on a flat-top-pro, they're no longer usefull, so drill 3 new holes in the bottom and relocate.

Yes, my dbox has foam preinstalled in the bottom. just drill through it.


You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead.

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