
cameye II, hc40 & cookie composites dbox

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Any suggestions on how to mount my cameye II into a top mounted cookie dbox? The problem I have is that the box wraps the camera so snugly that there is no room for the cameye plug. The hc40 has a LANC port on the right side - which is the non-door side of the dbox. There is barely even enough room for the wire itself. The only option I can see right now is to cut a hole in the side of the box to allow the plug to stick out...and then cover that with gaffers tape. This would totally screw up (aesthetically speaking) an otherwise perfectly clean looking setup. Not to mention the hassle of removing and re-taping each time I have to take the camera out of the box.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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If you have to cut to make it work, does it really matter? Who says you *have* to gaffers tape it? Does it really matter?

You can cut a hole just large enough for the plug to stick out from the box a bit and be done with it. Sure it *would* be nice to have a completely enclosed setup, but does it really make a difference for the conditions you typically jump in?

As a side note, have you read Paul's (Quade) writtings on when to begin flying camera and the safety hazards involved?

I know that I didn't put a camera on my head until I had nearly 1000 jumps and even then it proved to be a large distraction (even though I promised myself I wouldn't let it be).
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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You can avoid the hassly by not jumping a camera. Seriously. There are lots of little annoying things to overcome in camera flying... you're just scratching the surface. So be reaedy to scratch and drill into your pretty new box. Hmmmm, I think it was just a few hours ago I posted to another thread in Photo & Video telling someone not to be afraid to take a drill and dremel to their helmet & box... Did you read that thread? Make sure you read all the camera flying threads, and especially the article Dave mentioned.

Be safe.


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Hey Freeasabird,

We take to those boxes with a die-grinder when fitting the cameye. It's cool when your side mounting the box as we also cut a small slot in the helmet to get the cable through etc.
You only have to cut a slot the size of the cameye plug so aesthetically speaking it should look nice, Just take your time and measure twice to cut once etc. You can then take you cameye cable straight down into your top mount with a small hole same diameter as the cable.
I know this wasn't the response you were looking for but I hope it helps.


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